1 (edited by Ramias 2017-10-01 15:37:05)

Topic: Help with ImageURL Widget

I use my Dashes to play three instances of ImageURL, rotating between my surveillance cameras.

It doesn't display the image on my ChumDash.  My other two Dashes still show the image (they are still Sony Dashes with the "update firmware" nag screen).

I did a tcpdump on my router to confirm the URL being called is the same.  From what I can tell, it is (I am not specifying a resolution on the SonyDash ImageURL URLs).

All I get on my ChumDash is the "Loading" text and a black screen that refreshes from time to time.

The Images look fine on the Chumby Channel web page where it shows the Channel Preview.

Any ideas?


Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

Ok I have done a few more traces.

I have the URL defined in the ImageURL widget as:

h_ttp://Ramias:pass@ etc etc since my system requires Basic Authentication for that URL.

What I see in Wireshark is a DNS lookup for "Ramias" and Ramias. home.local (my internal DNS suffix).

Did the Sony version of ImageURL allow separate fields for user name and passwords?  How should I format this URL?  I am going off of memory here; I am pretty sure it was the ImageURL widget the Sony's used (and I still have two working Sonys without the ChumDash firmware; any way to check those)?

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

Ramias wrote:

Ok I have done a few more traces.

I have the URL defined in the ImageURL widget as:

h_ttp://Ramias:pass@ etc etc since my system requires Basic Authentication for that URL.

What I see in Wireshark is a DNS lookup for "Ramias" and Ramias. home.local (my internal DNS suffix).

Did the Sony version of ImageURL allow separate fields for user name and passwords?  How should I format this URL?  I am going off of memory here; I am pretty sure it was the ImageURL widget the Sony's used (and I still have two working Sonys without the ChumDash firmware; any way to check those)?

I took a different approach.  I run my own web server in my home and used that + some PHP to pull a pic from my security cameras the push that pic to whatever browser has it open.

That approach might eliminate the issue you are having if you can try it (assuming you have a web in your home).

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

Ramias wrote:

How should I format this URL?

Use the IP?

Cleaning up any loose bits and bytes.

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

I am.

The url is h_ttp"//username:password@ip/path

ChumDash tries to resolve username as a hostname on my network.

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

I found this h_ttp://web.archive.org/web/20111230051217/h_ttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081105 and made the cgi file per the instructions at the bottom; then updated my widget to point to h_ttp://localhost/cgi-bin/custom/imgProxy.cgi

Chumby ImageURL(or [Load Image from URL]) for URL with Authentication. Chumby ImageURL(or [Load Image from URL]) for URL with Authentication.を含むブックマーク Add Star
You create Proxy cgi on chumby.
File is [/psp/cgi-bin/imgProxy.cgi].
Note:Line separator is LF. chmod +x.

echo Content-type: image/jpeg

/usr/bin/wget -q -O - --no-cache -T 8 --user=<Your Name> --password=<Your Password> h_ttp://<Your Image URL>[/b]
You can see the image with PC browser in [h_ttp://<chumby IP Address>/cgi-bin/custom/imgProxy.cgi] .
You set URL h_ttp://localhost/cgi-bin/custom/imgProxy.cgi in ImageURL(or [Load Image from URL]).

But alas, still nothing sad

the line with the wget command works fine from Chumby.

Any ideas?  I think I am getting closer.

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

Ramias wrote:

I am.

The url is h_ttp"//username:password@ip/path

ChumDash tries to resolve username as a hostname on my network.

Oh, right, sorry.. my bad.

Cleaning up any loose bits and bytes.

8 (edited by Ramias 2017-10-02 19:03:54)

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

So there's no web server on my ChumDash by default (well, there is but it is not running).

I did a "start h ttpd" (sorry about the spaces) but when I tried to access the URL from my PC for the cgi file at h tip://ip/cgi-bin/custom/img4.cgi I got a 404 (404 at least means I am connecting to ChumDash).  the Error on the ChumDash is a Load Error.

Any ideas how to fix this?  I suspect my h ttpd is not configured properly but don't know how to set it up so that /psp/cgi-bin files map to /cgi-bin/custom for web urls.

I found this but it wasn't too helpful: h ttp://wiki.chumby.com/index.php?title=Using_the_busybox_HTTP_server

Re: Help with ImageURL Widget

UPDATE:  All fixed.  Apparently the web server that starts with "ht tp" is different than the one referenced here: (can't post link???)

a simple

touch /psp/start_ht tpd

and reboot and I am now fixed!