Topic: hello everyone

first off id like to thank everyone responsible for bringing my favorite brick back to life. when set up properly, the dash is among the most useful things ever invented.

i apologize if my suggestions are redundant, but heres a few things id love to see happen on the dash..

1. a more user friendly and appealing GUI for the online streaming audio player.
2. i heart radio.
3. a way to stream video from my pc.
4. all of the sony themes returned plus new user made ones.
5. a podcast app.
6. a tv guide app.
7. soundcloud.
8. an app like siri making use of the dash microphone.
9. a voice memo app making use of the microphone.
10. wake to streaming video alarm option..
11. a google search bar with microphone option

12. perhaps an advanced user could develop a theme that works like sonys xbr theme on the ps3 and psp for the menu options screen! that could be fun.

13. is it possible to integrate sonys location free tv hardware with this device?? i would pay huge to be able to stream video from a sony location free tv transmitter to my dash.

i hope one of my ideas inspires someone here to do something awesome, and again thank you chumby duane for all the work this must have taken.

i think everyone chumbyizing their dash should give this a try and pay the few dollars for server support and help fund this forum.


Re: hello everyone

You might try running an Echo Show alongside your Dash.  It will do many of your suggestions.

Re: hello everyone

I may try one at some point since they look great but i have faith a few chumdash lovers will be doing some cool things to improve on the mess sony left us with. I bet there have been developers out there thinking what they would do with access to the dash, and lots of my ideas are possible from what i know of the dashs capabilities