I should dig up all the emails I got loudly complaining about the "Space Clock" when I first put that one up.
However, as I recall, the biggest complaints I got about it were:
1) It's way, way, way too geeky
2) The fonts are hard to read
3) It's too contrasty and colorful
4) The calendar is useless on small screens
5) It looks like the stuff on the left side should be doing something and waste screen space
The new clock was constructed to address all of those complaints, with the additional goal to let people know, without being intrusive, that there is the option to get more through the full service.
If nothing else, I *had* to change *something*, otherwise the existence of the full service wouldn't have been noticed. The vast bulk of users that have commented publicly or sent me emails found out about the relaunch just by the clock changing.
The truth is that there is no single clock I could provide that would keep everyone happy. The question is really setting a reasonable balance on how much additional value should be provided to the "free" users vs the ones that have chosen to subscribe.
What's changing now is that instead of *me* subsidizing the "free" users, it's becoming the paying users subsidizing them.