this may be better asked to the pjsip developers, but thought I'd try here first:
did any of you have to specify what audio device with pjsua? (and if so, which one?) -- didn't have any trouble building the pjsua binary, scp over, runs just fine (a little slow), can put in registration + STUN config, UA registers fine. (this is pjproject 1.5.5 btw)
if I do specify playback device (0,1,2 etc.) pjsua crashes. if I specify -1 or don't specify (which defaults to -1) then it runs ok until making calls and gets:
16:50:59.598 pjsua_media.c Unable to open sound device: Unable to find default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV) [status=420006]
for outgoing calls, or for incoming call:
17:04:46.756 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@16000/1/20ms
17:04:46.760 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@44100/1/20ms
17:04:46.761 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@48000/1/20ms
17:04:46.761 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@32000/1/20ms
17:04:46.761 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@16000/1/20ms
17:04:46.762 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM@8000/1/20ms
17:04:46.762 pjsua_media.c Unable to open sound device: Unable to find default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV) [status=420006]
17:04:46.762 pjsua_media.c Error opening sound device: Unable to find default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV) [status=420006]
I built it like this, using the wiki instructions and arm-2008q3 toolchain:
./configure --build=i386-linux --host=arm-linux --prefix=/mnt/usb/pjsip --disable-l16-codec --disable-gsm-codec --disable-g722-codec --disable-g7221-codec --disable-speex-codec --disable-ilbc-codec --disable-speex-aec
I only copied over the executable, are there some missing libraries it wants? the only ones I can see in the binary are stuff that should already be there:
pjsua-arm-unknown-linux-gnu: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
if it's not pilot error, could it simply be whatever version you guys tried back in 2008 played nicer with the chumby?
you can't phone home if you don't have a home phone