Topic: setChannel event?

I have an Insignia 8" Chumby.  The control panel is showing version 3.1.21.  I am trying to set my chumby to play a channel upon boot, and have been trying to follow the chumby tricks guide for sending external events to the control panel.

Right now, I'm trying to do this manually before trying to automate it by creating/updating a /etc init script.

I create a file named flashplayer.event in /tmp, with the content:
<event type="WidgetPlayer" value="setChannel" comment="pics"/>

Where "pics" is the name of the channel I want to play.  I then issue the command: chumbyflashplayer.x -F1

to try to get it to play the channel.  I get the following output from the shell, but nothing happens on the unit:
Adobe FlashLite 3.1.7 Release (Version 9,1,122,0)- Chumby Industries (version 9 build 107-3548 [GCC 4.3.2])
Portions copyright (C) 2005-2010 Chumby Industries, Inc.
Built for: silvermoon; Features: Video ALSA ARM-optimizations
Build time: Thu 09Dec2010 1318
chumbyflashplayer.x: sending signal 1 (SIGHUP) to running instance 1011
chumbyflashplayer.x: signal sent, process 1011 should still be running

The documentation suggests I should also have a file named channel_names in /tmp, but this file is not present.  Is this unit not capable of doing what I want?  Any help or pointers would be most appreciated.


Re: setChannel event?

The Insignia Infocast 8 does not support most of the "tricks".  Next to each "trick", you'll see a row of icons that indicate which devices support each trick.  For instance, the 3.5" devices support almost all of them, while the Sony dash does not support *any* of them.