Topic: How did CBS Promos get on my Chumby?
Do new channels automatically get pushed onto my Chumby? CBS promos and Public Service Announcements appeared on my main channel recently, and I don't remember adding these.
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chumbysphere forum → Feedback → How did CBS Promos get on my Chumby?
Do new channels automatically get pushed onto my Chumby? CBS promos and Public Service Announcements appeared on my main channel recently, and I don't remember adding these.
From the FAQ:
Why are there widgets in my channels that I didn't add?
These are special Chumby Network widgets from Chumby Industries (like tips on how to use your chumby) and from partners with offers on music, games, movie previews, new products, and more. Sharing these promotional widgets with you is how the Chumby Network stays FREE.
I really wish this "feature" had been made more clear prior to purchase. These uninvited widgets are definitely my least favorite aspect of the Chumby. It would be nice to have an option for a non-subsidized Chumby...either with a minimal monthly fee or a one-time charge. I could even see an incentive system for having these commercial type widgets in my feed. I mean Chumby is in a high traffic area so why not make it worth my while?
Personally, I have no issue with the occasional advert or two. So long as they remain in good taste, or informative, or fun, why not? If you consider the price we paid for our Chumby's, it should be obvious that Chumby Industries needed to get some revenue on the back end of the transaction.
However, if adverts for Head-On ("apply directly to the forehead" company) or similarly bothersome content start to appear, I reserve the right to amend my opinion.
For now, I believe that the Chumby is an excellent product that has endless personalization options, and is ideal for a wide spectrum of ages, backgrounds, and demographics.
Your Chumby is what you make of it. I choose to focus on all the great features, and not sweat the small stuff.
I also have no issue with the random adverts from time to time, and is to be expected really with this type of service. Some people will choose to use the device for totally different purposes off of the Chumby network as well.
Although, out of curiosity, there are presumably some guidelines in place for those who wish to advertise on the Chumby, right? Is this public-type information, or will it be?
I assume that no unsolicited audio is a given. What will be the size limit of widgets / data feeds, for those who are on limited bandwidth type connections and leave their chumbys awake 24/7?
We're still experimenting with different sponsored content formats and approaches. You're right, there won't be any unsolicited audio -- has to be specifically played to be heard. And any sponsored widgets will simply pass by if not played. We're working on ways to make sponsored content widgets more personally interesting to each Chumby Network viewer -- in addition to ultimately being a revenue source that keeps the Chumby Network free of charge, we want this to be a way that new and compelling content is made available. Let us know what you like and what you don't.
Do the promo widgets appear on every channel, or only on some of the channels? The only reason I'm asking is I'm only seeing them on some of my channels?
RMSko - see for some more on this
Seriously, I would have never bought this thing if I knew it was going to play commercials on my nightstand. The website should have been more up front about this.
And this is total bs right here:
Sharing these promotional widgets with you is how the Chumby Network stays FREE.
As if Chumby Inc were some sort of non profit organization?
No but the device has a server network serving content.. Bandwidth isnt free..
You bought a service .... Otherwise Chumby would have to charge a subscription fee to give you content...
No different then getting News on your cellphone or Broadcast TV..
It was clearly stated in the documentation..
Please read the following forum thread.
There have been some ideas thrown around but Duane is *NOT* totally bullshit...
Seems that most of the people here expect something for nothing...
Im going to give you a free PC and it comes with free internet.... Oh wait..that sounds farmiliar....
They ended up going to a two-tier subscription model.... and doing away with the free content..
Food for thought
Chew on this
clearly stated in the documentation. You're telling me it wasn't deliberately absent from the "chumby overview" on the front page? You don't think this is something people might be interested in? Not overview worthy? Yeah I'm sure I'm the only one that didn't dig down to Help -> common questions (more) -> Widgets & Channels -> "Why are there widgets in my channels that I didn't add?". Buyer beware now means reading all the help documentation before buying something.
Im going to give you a free PC and it comes with free internet.... Oh wait..that sounds farmiliar....
We all paid for the chumby and internet connection. (?)
Why is hosting some .swf files so expensive that I need to watch a commercial every 10 minutes? The widgets were mostly developed by the community for free. Sounds a lot more like Chumby is taxing a captive population than giving away something for free.
The requirement that the chumby always be dependent on an internet feed for lack of memory was not an unfortunate design flaw. It was a planned revenue stream. A gig of flash _retails_ for ten bucks … b_1gb.htm.
Weve gone down this road already. to quote someone else... the exits are clearly marked..
Im not going to get into this again.
Please feel free to use search to see other threads on this subject.
Heres a list of threads that previously touch on the subject. for your convienence.
(there are more, this is just a starter)
forgot to re-mention
GOOD JOB DUANE, STEVE and JOLTDUDE trying to explain this ONCE AGAIN. I think Chumby Forum should disallow new post topics for a week or so just to force people read the old ones instead of instantly asking their question in a new one before trying to get an answer by reading old threads. Back to the topic at hand, regardless of why the ads are there, if you are in 'scrolling widget mode', you are right, you MIGHT get to hear/see an ad very occasionally. If you are in flipping through widgets mode and get to an ad, you can either watch it (like we alllllll do, right Duane?) OR press the button DELETE, you will be asked ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THIS WIDGET? You press OK. 2 seconds! TWO! And it is GONE! TWO SECONDS!
Can we get a stickied thread about this? Maybe that will help to cut down on the number of "OHNOES ADS" posts.
OK, I know the fine print says my Chumby will serve ads. I was sort of hoping they'd come up with a subscription/opt/out opetion before I got any. After a year of greatly enjoying my chumby, a ton of ads have started to appear on my Chumby.
I would be happy to pay a reasonable subscription fee. I am NOT happy to watch ads.
Listen up friendly Chumby folks - I'm not sure which MBA convinced y'all that people don't ming having their stuff try to sell them ads, but if you are in part going for the market of Maker people who like to be able to hack and modify their stuff, we DO mind. There are many, many people who don't like having the world covered in advertising.
Almost every surface in the public sphere now has ads on it, I try, in my home at least to be free of this. The last thing I want is to have my once friendly Chumby channeling advertising to me in my kitchen every time I walk by. PLEASE give those of us who choose don't like having our lives covered in branding the chance to financially support you in other ways so we don't have to get rid of our Chumbys.
Keep the ads if it helps Chumby stay free; they are so few and so easy to delete them if we don't want to watch them it is not even an issue...for me. I can spend two seconds deleting something much easier than I can adding another bill to pay to my stack. I go months and months without seeing an ad and I use Chumby for about 1 hour per day. Now I am seeing a few more Chumby t-shirt ads. Still it takes 2 seconds to delete, and I feel like it is just another holiday "opportunity for spending", so it's not even a big issue to me while scrolling through. I recognize that it might be bothersome to those who use their Chumby differently than I do, for instance on auto scroll. If keeping the ads causes Intersection/Tim to get rid of his Chumby as he suggests, may I please have it? Sorry, Tim, I couldn't resist!
I like most of the ads. Maybe there could be a place you could pick which ads you get.
Bandwidth isnt free..
Bandwidth might not be free, but it's darn inexpensive.
At my office we have 100mbps full-duplex to a tier-1 backbone for $800/month. At the data center, we have 4gbps for $4,000/month. Even using the more expensive office rate of 10 mbytes/sec (we can halve it and say 5 mbytes/sec to allow for overhead), that's 13 terabytes of data transfer per month for $800. Or, 16 gigabytes of of data transfer per dollar.
Let's pretend a single widget is 1 megabyte (which is almost certainly generous; the Chumby Wiki suggests below 100k here: … for_chumby ). That means a Chumby owner who has 100 widgets - 100 megabytes of widget transfers - is costing 1/160 of a dollar, or less than a cent. Of course, they could transfer them over and over again.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this sort of almost zero cost is just a cost of doing business in the Internet era, and that I'd be happy to pay a full cent per widget I download, if bandwidth is the issue here.
Bottom line: Having a widget put on my Chumby that I didn't ask for will result in a returned Chumby. That costs a certain $120 of revenue.
[Edit: Changed a word]
As a TiVo-HD owner- concerning hardware manufacturer "pushing" unsolicited advertisements to the subscribers device... (in my best 'Old Biff' voice) "there's something awfully familiar about this......"
joltdude wrote:Bandwidth isnt free..
Bandwidth might not be free, but it's darn inexpensive.
At my office we have 100mbps full-duplex to a tier-1 backbone for $800/month. At the data center, we have 4gbps for $4,000/month. Even using the more expensive office rate of 10 mbytes/sec (we can halve it and say 5 mbytes/sec to allow for overhead), that's 13 terabytes of data transfer per month for $800. Or, 16 gigabytes of of data transfer per dollar.
Let's pretend a single widget is 1 megabyte (which is almost certainly generous; the Chumby Wiki suggests below 100k here: … for_chumby ). That means a Chumby owner who has 100 widgets - 100 megabytes of widget transfers - is costing 1/160 of a dollar, or less than a cent. Of course, they could transfer them over and over again.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this sort of almost zero cost is just a cost of doing business in the Internet era, and that I'd be happy to pay a full cent per widget I download, if bandwidth is the issue here.
Bottom line: Having a widget put on my Chumby that I didn't ask for will result in a returned Chumby. That costs a certain $120 of revenue.
[Edit: Changed a word]
I may sound like an a** here but its interesting to me how you spent enough time to figure out how much bandwidth will cost Chumby, yet you didn't spend the time to read one sentence on the website which tells you that there are advertisements on the device. You can just remove the widget when it pops up, i barely notice them on my chumby when they pop up every now and then. And its not nice to threaten Chumby that about returning the device, if Chumby let you return the device, just because you didn't read about what you were getting before you got it, they would be doing you a favor. They will be the ones loosing money because of your carelessness. Chumby is a corporation, which has a goal of making money, that their job, bottom line is that they are making a very innovative and unique product. The Chumby does much more than display advertisements and maybe down the road once Chumby gets big enough they won't have advertisements on it. If one advertisement bothers you so much I suggest a desert island, as i get exposed to much more advertising just walking down the street than i do through the Chumby.
Admiral wrote:joltdude wrote:Bandwidth isnt free..
Bandwidth might not be free, but it's darn inexpensive.
At my office we have 100mbps full-duplex to a tier-1 backbone for $800/month. At the data center, we have 4gbps for $4,000/month. Even using the more expensive office rate of 10 mbytes/sec (we can halve it and say 5 mbytes/sec to allow for overhead), that's 13 terabytes of data transfer per month for $800. Or, 16 gigabytes of of data transfer per dollar.
Let's pretend a single widget is 1 megabyte (which is almost certainly generous; the Chumby Wiki suggests below 100k here: … for_chumby ). That means a Chumby owner who has 100 widgets - 100 megabytes of widget transfers - is costing 1/160 of a dollar, or less than a cent. Of course, they could transfer them over and over again.
Imperial Palace Promo Codes
Hilton Hotel Promo CodesI'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this sort of almost zero cost is just a cost of doing business in the Internet era, and that I'd be happy to pay a full cent per widget I download, if bandwidth is the issue here.
Bottom line: Having a widget put on my Chumby that I didn't ask for will result in a returned Chumby. That costs a certain $120 of revenue.
[Edit: Changed a word]
I may sound like an a** here but its interesting to me how you spent enough time to figure out how much bandwidth will cost Chumby, yet you didn't spend the time to read one sentence on the website which tells you that there are advertisements on the device. You can just remove the widget when it pops up, i barely notice them on my chumby when they pop up every now and then. And its not nice to threaten Chumby that about returning the device, if Chumby let you return the device, just because you didn't read about what you were getting before you got it, they would be doing you a favor. They will be the ones loosing money because of your carelessness. Chumby is a corporation, which has a goal of making money, that their job, bottom line is that they are making a very innovative and unique product. The Chumby does much more than display advertisements and maybe down the road once Chumby gets big enough they won't have advertisements on it. If one advertisement bothers you so much I suggest a desert island, as i get exposed to much more advertising just walking down the street than i do through the Chumby.
chumbysphere forum → Feedback → How did CBS Promos get on my Chumby?
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