Topic: Buidling new dash firmware.
I didn't know this thread was here but now that I do, I hear everybody's point of view. I feel that if it wasn't for Duane's efforts we wouldn't even be here to air them. So we all have to take our hats off and thank Duane for the great work.
As far as Netflix and etc. I think the answer lie in modifying the firmware to use 3rd party open source apps like any of these, … form=linux
or … ols-linux/
something that won't tie-up the server but yet give Dash users the ability to take advantage of the Dashes straights.
This brings me to another point; the Dashes hardware has to be one of the best kept secrets on the internet.
In order to do anything with this device its imperative to know what hardware makes up the Dash.
also ...
I've been thru Sony and downloaded all their software, I'm pretty sure why they dumped the device, their 2.6.26 kernel is really old and riddled with vulnerabilities. If its still running in the Dash its in serious need of updating along with the rest Linux apps but you can't even do that because Sony never made a hardware list available to the purchaser.
imo this has to be a priority moving forward.
I like how fast the server is compared to Sony's, very nice guys!
All and all I like where the Chumby-Dash is going and I think all the answers lie in taking advantage of open source for any firmware improvements whenever possible.
I'd love to develop a new Theme but thats not my jawb. That doesn't mean I won't tinker with one of my Dashes on my Linux server.
And we're off!!!
Great Start.