Topic: Buidling new dash firmware.

I didn't know this thread was here but now that I do, I hear everybody's point of view. I feel that if it wasn't for Duane's efforts we wouldn't even be here to air them. So we all have to take our hats off and thank Duane for the great work.
As far as Netflix and etc. I think the answer lie in modifying the firmware to use 3rd party open source apps like any of these, … form=linux
or … ols-linux/
something that won't tie-up the server but yet give Dash users the ability to take advantage of the Dashes straights.
This brings me to another point; the Dashes hardware has to be one of the best kept secrets on the internet.
In order to do anything with this device its imperative to know what hardware makes up the Dash.
also ...
I've been thru Sony and downloaded all their software, I'm pretty sure why they dumped the device, their 2.6.26 kernel is really old and riddled with vulnerabilities. If its still running in the Dash its in serious need of updating along with the rest Linux apps but you can't even do that because Sony never made a hardware list available to the purchaser.
imo this has to be a priority moving forward.

I like how fast the server is compared to Sony's, very nice guys!
All and all I like where the Chumby-Dash is going and I think all the answers lie in taking advantage of open source for any firmware improvements whenever possible.

I'd love to develop a new Theme but thats not my jawb. That doesn't mean I won't tinker with one of my Dashes on my Linux server.

And we're off!!!
Great Start.

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

dougsr wrote:

I've been thru Sony and downloaded all their software, I'm pretty sure why they dumped the device, their 2.6.26 kernel is really old and riddled with vulnerabilities. If its still running in the Dash its in serious need of updating along with the rest Linux apps but you can't even do that because Sony never made a hardware list available to the purchaser.
imo this has to be a priority moving forward.

Unfortunately, that's not possible.  The kernel partitions are signed by Sony, so they cannot be modified even if you were to rebuild or update them to a new version.  If you make any changes to either the kernel, the bootloader, or the file systems (with the exception of /psp), the device will no longer boot.

3 (edited by dougsr 2017-09-11 12:03:41)

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

Humm,, just about everything they use is open source Duane.
Can't be that hard to move forward with.
In fact as I understand it, Sony built their firmware around your work or the Chumby so I have an idea what they did.
The concerns I have are what hardware did they use so someone can better gage what the C-10 can handle.
The idea is to keep stuff off the server and maximize the C-10's usage while relying on a good Internet connection.
Sure it won't be no barn burner but I'll bet if someone put their mind to it they can come up with something darn usable.
If I get anywhere I'll let you know.

Cheers Duane!

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

dougsr wrote:

Can't be that hard to move forward with.

Duane wrote:

The kernel partitions are signed by Sony, so they cannot be modified even if you were to rebuild or update them to a new version

It's not the kernel or the tools, it is the storage partition encryption and the fact that Sony has locked them in such a way that they cannot be unlocked without their cooperation.  That's not happening.

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

To explain a bit more, Sony built in a hardware restriction in the dash, so the hardware checks the files, to see if they've been 'signed' with the right encryption key.  If fhey haven't, then the hardware won't load the firmware.

Thanks Sony.

Cleaning up any loose bits and bytes.

6 (edited by dougsr 2017-09-12 20:12:37)

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

Well gentlemen in the Licenses on each and every Dash it explains very clearly that as the purchaser; you can do what you want as long as you're not doing it profit (so to speck..)
There are tons of encryption tools available, some are free or open source but the dilemma will be to create a new firmware that stays non-commercial. This is the problem and you can bet as many times as Sony been sued they wouldn't hesitate to sick their legal team after someone using their Intellectual property for profit. 
So seriously, there in lies the problem.

I don't know what arrangements Blue Octy has made with Sony but to be quite honest, you have to have something already established because you already have an operating firmware.
If this is the case I wouldn't think tweaking that piece to run Chumby apps & enhancing it to access 3rd party apps via a users Internet connection would be an issue.
In other words why would Sony take issue with this.

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

Blue Octy has no relationship or arrangements whatsoever with Sony.  Whatever relationship that Chumby Industries may have had with Sony is no longer applicable, since Blue Octy is not "Chumby" from a corporate standpoint.

The chumby software for the dash does not modify or replace the firmware in any way.  The firmware is completely stock, as supplied by Sony, and I don't even host that anywhere on Blue Octy systems for copyright reasons.

You are welcome to try and modify the firmware, the source of the most of which is posted on Sony's site, there's a link in another post in this forum section.  Knowing how the system works, I think you're wasting your time, but it's your time to waste.

This is technical issue - the hardware checks to make sure the boot loader has not been modified - it is has it fails to boot.  The boot loader, in turn, makes sure the file system partitions except for /psp have not been modified - if they have, the device fails to boot.  The technique used to verify whether or not the partitions have been modified relies on a secret key that only Sony has.

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

The term tivoization describes what Sony have done (probably perfectly legally).

Re: Buidling new dash firmware.

diamaunt wrote:

To explain a bit more, Sony built in a hardware restriction in the dash, so the hardware checks the files, to see if they've been 'signed' with the right encryption key.  If fhey haven't, then the hardware won't load the firmware.

We thanks Sony for this hardware restriction