1 (edited by noff 2012-01-17 19:41:02)

Topic: Boot partition


I would like to understand a bit how is structured the boot partition of my C1. I found this information in the OE recipe:

1. dd if=../bootstream-chumby.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=0 count=64
2. dd if=${S}/output/config_block.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=96 count=32
3. dd if=${S}/output/chumby_boot.rom of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=128 count=420
4. dd if=${S}/images/4_1.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=548 count=300
5. dd if=${S}/images/4_2.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=848 count=300
6. dd if=${S}/images/5_1.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1148 count=300
7. dd if=${S}/images/5_2.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1448 count=300
8. dd if=${S}/images/5_3.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1748 count=300
9. dd if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=2048 count=8192
10. dd if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=10240 count=8192

So, what I understand so far is:

  • bootstream-chumby.bin (1) is the bootstream created with freescale bootlets and the chumby stub.

  • chumby_boot.rom (3) do some stuff as described in the wiki and end by loading linux kernel image.

  • zImage (9 and 10) are the linux kernel images, normal and fallback.

Now my question :-)

  • What is this config_block.bin ? I can see it is generated with config_util (described as an utility for manipulating config area on eSD-boot platforms), but what is his role during the boot process ?

  • What are these binaries 4_1.bin, 4_2.bin, 5_1.bin ... They are included in the bootstream-1.0.tgz but didn't find any info about them.


2 (edited by noff 2012-01-17 20:52:19)

Re: Boot partition

Ok, I didn't read the wiki that well, it seems that 4_1.bin ... are boot graphic, so it must be the boot logo (animation).

So there is just the cnfg I would like to understand.