Topic: Chumby

So I'm curious as my chumby is on it's way from China.... are they using any lead paint or adding any other toxic chinese touches to the chumby?

You know with all the recalls from china lately and whatnot....

Re: Chumby


Re: Chumby

Not that we're aware of - certainly the chumby is not painted, lead or otherwise.  The leather we're using is imported *to* China from Italy.

Re: Chumby

FWIW, the leather is a nice touch.  Gives the device that nice "new Chumby" smell big_smile

Chumby birthdate: 10/11/07

Re: Chumby

Mmmmm Italian leather....

Re: Chumby

Pfft...I want soft Corinthian leather.  Or maybe Chumbian...

Re: Chumby

slendergreenicehog wrote:

Pfft...I want soft Corinthian leather.  Or maybe Chumbian...

I think Corinthians are on the Endangered List now smile

Re: Chumby

It smells like a new car with leather seats.

Re: Chumby

slendergreenicehog wrote:

Pfft...I want soft Corinthian leather.  Or maybe Chumbian...

Chumbian? That's skin......

So lets talk turkey, $2600 per square inch?