Topic: Chumby One Power Connector Spec?

Can someone PLEASE post the spec (Digikey or Mouser) part number?  I have tried a BUNCH of barrel connectors and none worked.  (Generally, I think it is a prob with the center pin.)  The measurements I made of the stock connector are 3.3mm OD x .81 mm center pin x 7.3 mm long.



2 (edited by jronald 2010-10-04 17:45:36)

Re: Chumby One Power Connector Spec?

Any information on the power connector?  I want to mount my Chumby One on my Robot and I rather not mod the case unless needed. 

Best regards
James Ronald

Re: Chumby One Power Connector Spec?


4 (edited by jronald 2010-10-05 15:51:17)

Re: Chumby One Power Connector Spec?

Here is one that looks like it will work. … CP-2221-ND

It seems to match the specs of the TDC-043D power socket in the schematics. It is a three conductor type like the socket.  I would just tie green and black together.

Re: Chumby One Power Connector Spec?

This looks like a better match and it's the connector only. … =CP-017-ND