26 (edited by Materdaddy 2008-05-21 08:44:30)

Re: Webcams that require authentication

mwickens wrote:

That all depends upon the type of authentication being employed.

Yeah, sorry. I mean HTTP basic authentication.

I've pretty much resigned myself to doing a widget that requires either an open webcam or a server-side script to do the authentication. I would even have considered using sockets for the authentication, but the HTTP servers built into most webcams don't support installation of a cross-domain policy file, which socket communications apparently require.


With HTTP basic authentication, the method described at the beginning of this thread should work in the http GET request.


Linux Guy - Occasional Chumby Hacker

Re: Webcams that require authentication

With HTTP basic authentication, the method described at the beginning of this thread should work in the http GET request.


You'd think, wouldn't you? But I've had no luck. loadClip() returns an HTTP 401 error.


Re: Webcams that require authentication

josep wrote:

This widget sounds great. Do you have a list of cameras your widget supports so far? I have been trying to get documentation on Zonet's API, but have not found anything yet. I find that Panasonic and Axis have very good documentation.

Thanks, josep. To start, it will work only with Panasonic cameras, as that's the only kind I have to test with. If it works well, and there's interest, I may try to add support for others.

BTW, if you know where the Panasonic documentation is, I'd be interested. I've been figuring things out so far by viewing the HTML source for their web interface.


Re: Webcams that require authentication

Hi mwickens,

I'm sorry I have not replied in a long time. You can get the Panasonic documentation from the web directly. Do a search for cgi interface. That's the best way to get the latest info in my opinion.  If you can't find it, I have version 106a of the document  I can send you.

The widget I got working is able to connect to two cams - a Y-Cam and a Panasonic. One of the cams shows up PIP and you can toggle between the two. I can even move the Panasonic cam with my widget. The widget is not totally bug free, and I don't get to work on it that much, so that is why I have not posted it.

By the way, I never got a widget to work without having to do it with php. If you figured it out please let me know.


Re: Webcams that require authentication

Hi Chumbyites

Sorry to ressurect an old thread, but it seemed most appropriate rather than starting a new one.

I'm using a Y-Cam like Josep and was wondering if there's any updates on using the Y-Cam (authenticated) with Chumby? (seeing as there have been multiple firmware revisions for both devices).  I'm trying to use my Chumby as a baby monitor, along with the Y-Cam.

Many thanks,


Re: Webcams that require authentication

Old thread indeed...

My solution is to use the dual cam widget in conjunction with a simple script using the chumby web server. In fact, I wrote the dual cam widget because I have a panasonic and a y-cam and I wanted to be able to use both cams as baby monitors.

You should check out the info in this thread: http://forum.chumby.com/viewtopic.php?id=3447

Let me know if you need more info after reading through the forums.


Re: Webcams that require authentication

gingerbeardman wrote:

Have you tried putting the username and password in the URL?

http(s):// username : password @ server / resource . ext


Let me know how you get on.

Thanks very much, this works great with WebcamXP

Re: Webcams that require authentication

First, I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread or has already been answered somewhere else.  This is my first post. 

I run a service for the blind & visually impaired.  We have an online stream that is password-protected so I'm thinking it might be treated the same as a webcam requiring authentication.  In my case, there is just a single password for all users.

Is there a way to set that password on a Chumby so the listeners don't have to enter it each time?

Thanks for any help!!!