Topic: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs


I think there is a little bug in the code for the mystreams-handling: If I enter a local music-file or playlist, it starts to play, then stops after about 2 seconds and restarts playing. After restarting everything runs right.

Anyone else has the same problem?

(control panel v2.6.54)

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

I have noticed that as well, just assumed it was a buffering issue.


Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

Thanks - anything else you can tell us to help reproduce this?

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

In the simplest case I set up a stream pointing to /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3 and played it -> restart after 2 secs. During that, I watched the running processes via ssh and If I'm right the following command is used to trigger the music-player:

service_control inetradio start --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3

I called the command manually, and the song played fine without interruption. I noticed that the command returned after 2 secs and let the song play in background. Don't know whether this is a coincidence...

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

If I call "service_control inetradio stop" during playback, the result looks similar.

I tried running the "stream" with the local mp3 and parallel I called "service_list" in a loop and during the restart the inetradio-service wasn't showing up. It appears to me that 2 secs after pressing "play" on the control panel "service_control inetradio stop" or something similar gets called.

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

OK, that's very helpful.  Thanks.

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

I can also confirm this; I also thought it was a buffering issue until you brought it up.  Thanks!

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

I'm still trying to reproduce this problem.

Is there anything peculiar about these music files - are they extraordinarily large?

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

Just average mp3s from very different sources - most of them are around 4 minutes. I tried about 10 different songs.

I played around a little bit and found out that if I do a "stop_control_panel" and a "start_control_panel", the first song I play runs correctly and afterwards the described error occurs.

I grabbed the output from the control panel and marked the moment I hear the restart - and it stops definitely the inetradio-service. Here is the log:

2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: DirectURLPanelMain.doPlay()
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: DirectURLPanelMain.doPlay(): DirectURLStream(id:96712740-aff7-90b7-86c6-bc9d36771691, name:local, mimeType:audio/mpeg, url:/mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3)
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: DirectURLPlayer.playStream(): DirectURLStream(id:96712740-aff7-90b7-86c6-bc9d36771691, name:local, mimeType:audio/mpeg, url:/mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3)
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.setTracks(): got 1 tracks
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.nextTrack(): -1
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: - track index now 0
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.stopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: DirectURLPlayer.doStopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedBTPlayer.doStopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:00 backtick('service_control inetradio stop') (using chumbpipe)
2008-01-15 16:37:00 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got result code 0 handle 24 for request id 124
2008-01-15 16:37:00 ChumbyPipeObject::Open(service_control inetradio stop,r) request = 124 handle = 24 open Y pending n (0 retries)
2008-01-15 16:37:00 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got eof for handle 24
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource():
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource(): clearing source
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.startTrack(): 0
2008-01-15 16:37:00 TRACE: TrackedBTPlayer.doStartTrack(): --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3
2008-01-15 16:37:00 backtick('service_control inetradio start --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3') (using chumbpipe)
2008-01-15 16:37:00 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got result code 0 handle 25 for request id 125
2008-01-15 16:37:00 ChumbyPipeObject::Open(service_control inetradio start --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3,r) request = 125 handle = 25 open Y pending n (1 retries)
2008-01-15 16:37:02 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got eof for handle 25
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource(): [object Object]
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE:  - selector: directurl
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE:  - label:    local
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE:  - state:    <stream url="/mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3" id="96712740-aff7-90b7-86c6-bc9d36771691" mimetype="audio/mpeg" name="local" />
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.playTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.startTrack(): 0
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: MusicPlayer.stopMusic()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: TrackedPlayer.stopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: DirectURLPlayer.doStopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 TRACE: TrackedBTPlayer.doStopTrack()
2008-01-15 16:37:02 backtick('service_control inetradio stop') (using chumbpipe)
2008-01-15 16:37:02 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got result code 0 handle 26 for request id 126
2008-01-15 16:37:02 ChumbyPipeObject::Open(service_control inetradio stop,r) request = 126 handle = 26 open Y pending n (1 retries)

... restart ...

2008-01-15 16:37:03 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got eof for handle 26
2008-01-15 16:37:03 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource():
2008-01-15 16:37:03 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource(): clearing source
2008-01-15 16:37:03 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource():
2008-01-15 16:37:03 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource(): clearing source
2008-01-15 16:37:03 TRACE: TrackedBTPlayer.doStartTrack(): --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3
2008-01-15 16:37:03 backtick('service_control inetradio start --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3') (using chumbpipe)
2008-01-15 16:37:03 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got result code 0 handle 27 for request id 127
2008-01-15 16:37:03 ChumbyPipeObject::Open(service_control inetradio start --output=alsa:plug:dmixer /mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3,r) request = 127 handle = 27 open Y pending n (1 retries)
2008-01-15 16:37:04 ChumbyPipeObject::ProcessLine() got eof for handle 27
2008-01-15 16:37:04 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource(): [object Object]
2008-01-15 16:37:04 TRACE: MusicPlayer.setSource()
2008-01-15 16:37:04 TRACE:  - selector: directurl
2008-01-15 16:37:04 TRACE:  - label:    local
2008-01-15 16:37:04 TRACE:  - state:    <stream url="/mnt/usb/music/1018_141.mp3" id="96712740-aff7-90b7-86c6-bc9d36771691" mimetype="audio/mpeg" name="local" />
2008-01-15 16:37:08 TRACE: (Advance timer heartbeat)

Perhaps that helps a little bit. Can I do something else?

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

OK thanks - we found the bug, it will be fixed in the next release.

Re: "My Streams" restarts after 2 secs

Great, thanks!