Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Second wild sanctuary here, if that could make it in to radio free chumby, it would be awesome.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

CFRB - Toronto Talk Radio : please and thankyou

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Please Please get some classical music back on. It's needed for sleep.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby - SignOn Radio (from the San Diego Union-Tribune and

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Just tested the Beta control panel and it totally rocks.

How about adding Salt Lake's NPR Affiliate...KUER, Home of Radio West:

Life -- In Six Minute Slices

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Please, don't add ANY regional NPR stations, because of the fact that while a lot of the NPR stuff is awesome, the regional stuff only has a limited appeal (basically, people within the region that the station caters to). Instead, why not just add the standard NPR station. While it is easily findable in SHOUTcast, people obviously want NPR in Radio Free Chumby. And to everyone suggesting that your local NPR affiliate stations stream be added to Radio Free Chumby, you are aware of the fact that you can add that stream to your Chumby for easy access listening via the "My Streams" section, yes?

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

For GoodDoctor and for Radio Free Chumby, I would really like to listen to Classic FM at ttp:// (the h in the http is removed to see the whole URL). It is the largest classical music station in the UK, has 6.8 million listeners, and received "Best Radio Station of the Year 2007" by SONY. I know you are getting many responses for Radio Free Chumby but this does not seem to work in My Streams or SHOUTcast and I really believe that many will benefit from it. It really is a great station!!!!!

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

As far as I can tell, that stream uses Microsoft's Windows Media, which the chumby does not currently support for licensing reasons.

If you can locate an MP3 or Ogg stream for that station, it should work on the chumby.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Too bad. Thank you so much for the quick response Duane!

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby please. It's got a few mp3 links, I've been using the 32k I think here:


86 (edited by jazzcat 2008-01-29 13:19:19)

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Hey, is there any chance of getting WCPE Classical back on the Radio Free Chumby list?  It used to be on Radio Free Chumby before your server burped a month or so ago.  It is an awesome classical station; here's the stream:

I have it playing on 'My Streams' but I think it'd be something other classical-loving Chums would greatly enjoy.


Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

The reason it's not there was that the current Control Panel beta enforces the stream's mimetype, and filters out anything other than audio/mpeg streams - this was a fix to the SHOUTcast code that unfortunately carried over to RFC.  The next beta (currently in QA) will allow Ogg streams in RFC - that station should show up again since it's still in the catalog on the server.

88 (edited by plumcreek 2008-01-29 13:59:59)

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

I love

It's from my area, so I can listen to it on any radio, but having it on my Chumby is a nice perk.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Here are URLs for listening to WCPE FM

Ogg Vorbis

Quick Time rtsp://

Real Player … e_28_56.rm

Windows Media … wmext=.asx

Email or call 800-556-5178 for more info. We also have a Ku-Band free-to-home channel!

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

My wife is dying to get KKGN (  Unfortunately, I'm not sure they have a stream of anything other than Windows Media...

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

RadioThomas wrote:

Hi everyone,

I work with and think I can be of assistance in this thread.  We maintain a directory of over 50k radio stations and 150k radio programs worldwide, organized by location, genre, and interest.  We carry thousands of stream links for those that offer their programming online, and we maintain codec and vitality information to help weed throught the population that won't work on devices like the Chumby. 

All of our information is available through various APIs (web service, OPML).  Our services include automatic geodetection so we can create a familiar "local dial" experience based only on an IP address.  Moreover, you can pull together a set of favorite programs and stations into a preset list that you can make available on any device using our services.

Best of all, it's free and we actively encourage contribution from our users - you can submit new stations, new streams, etc.  Please let me know how we can help to make Radio Free Chumby a great experience.

If someone would write a widget that would allow us to bookmark these sites to our My Streams, that would be AWESOME. Ideally, we could send a streaming link to Chumby via email.

Chumby Fan in AZ

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Can you add LBC Talk (pretty please)? … lbc973.asx

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

1710 antioch!

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

BookQueen wrote:

Can you add LBC Talk (pretty please)?

Sorry, that station uses Windows Media.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

WBZ 1030am from Boston Mass,  one of the remaining 50,000 watt clear channel stations, heard all over the place

They stream from their webpage

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

Some News/Talk stations.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

How about WMBR (MIT Radio)
(Not sure which stream would be Chumby compatible, chumbys only a day old).. think it can handle MP3 streams though..

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

chrisdkk wrote:

Well since everyone has added their favorite flavor of NPR here is mine...

WBEZ - Chicago Public Radio

New user here. I would like to vote for WBEZ Chicago Public Radio too.

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

I'd like to see WFDU or have someone e-mail me the URL for their stream so I can try to input via my streams.  i get to WFDU's player at:
and start WARPradio player.

is this the URL for the stream? … treamRate=

I've had my Chumby for 2 days and really love it.  What sold me was the ability to get internet radio and so far I was able to add WFUV and WFUV 24/7 to my streams.  I would really like to add WFDU either to my streams or have it added to Radio Free Chumby.

Any help would be appreciated.

100 (edited by Skip 2008-03-11 16:30:45)

Re: Suggest stations for Radio Free Chumby

My request is Ween

Nevermind I found out I can use "My Streams" to listen to Ween.