Topic: Infocast Software Differences
I am trying to adapt an existing widget (Clock and Temperature) to use a different provider. The update involves changing the weather provider, so there is a new URL to get the current temperature. In addition, because the XML result is configured differently, I have to use different statements to get the result. Specifically, the new provider sends the temperature result embedded in a string that includes current temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature, while the old provider's result had just a single value in each XML field.
The new version of my widget is working fine on all platforms I have tested except an Infocast 3.5 running software version 1.0.8b. I have a different Infocast running 1.0.7, and everything works fine there. My widget is also running well on my Chumby One, and my Infocast 8 with Chumby 8 firmware.
By any chance, does anyone have any idea about why I am having trouble with 1.0.8b, and what I can do about it? Are there any Actionscript 2 statements that I need to avoid with that version of the software?