Topic: CC latte problems
I just received a CC Latte complete with bag, charms, booklet, unit and power source. It looks like it is in wonderful shape.
Booted up and north-south colored lines for a few seconds before booting to bubbles and then to blue octy. Asks for date and time. Seems to connect with internet (I have put in info for my wifi network). Goes to Clock and it is the wrong time. 7:11pm 12/31/1969. I try to change the date and time manually and it won't change the clock. Click set by internet and no different. Touch volume is a little clumsy and inaccurate. Looks like it is turned completely down but sound comes out. Try to adjust volume and it springs back to zero. I haven't got Pandora to make a noise yet. It went to advertisement and stayed for a while. iHeart seems to work fine but volume control is erractic. Noticed it has FW 1.05. I think that may be a problem. I also suspect that there is power supply problem or starting to be one (lines on bootup). It is a cool unit but I need to get the bugs out of it or something. Any suggestions after I update the firmware? At settings for volume it says something about touch screen. What does that do?