Topic: White elephant in the room - Chumby is out of business


We all love our Chumby's.  We all love that Duane is going above and beyond to keep them working, with Chumby out of business.

The white elephant seems to be that they all become bricks if the Chumby server go down, which we all know, they will eventually.

Is there a plan or firmware or something that will untether the devices from the Chumby servers?  By Chumby, by hackers, anything?  Is there a plan if the servers crash, backups, etc?

I have 4 of these devices, love every one of them and the concepts, but if we all wake up to bricks one morning, well.....we get it.....

Re: White elephant in the room - Chumby is out of business


Actually it has been discussed quite a bit on this forum. There is a lot of good information here. A quick search should turn up as much information as you are likely to want.

One option is to use Zurk's offline software:

Tar, feathers, congress. Some assembly required.

Re: White elephant in the room - Chumby is out of business

Cool,  I'll start reading....I have a few Chumbys I can test setup on...