Topic: Custom opening.swf will not release on Chumby Connect

I created a opening.swf file and placed fscommand('quit') on an action script layer in the last frame. When I place this on a thumb drive and reboot the device the movie plays but then it just sits there at then end of the movie.

I have searched the forums and wiki and cannot find any information on what else to look for to get this to work like the original opening.swf.

Info on my movie is:
Built using Flash CS5.5
Published as FlashLite 4.0 I also tried Flash 10 and 10.1
Length: 15 secs

Any help or suggestions to get this to work is greatly appreciated.

Re: Custom opening.swf will not release on Chumby Connect

Just touching this to see if anyone has any ideas.

Re: Custom opening.swf will not release on Chumby Connect

Btw what action script are you using? Are you using quotes (") or apostrophes (') in the quit command? I don't no much about flash, but I program in other languages. Check your "placement" in your code

Re: Custom opening.swf will not release on Chumby Connect

Tyr putting this on the first frame:

_putfile = ASNative(5,51);

and this on your last frame:
