Topic: Lots and Lots of DNS Lookups?

Just curious about this.  One of the first things I did when I put Chumby on the network was run ethereal to see what it was doing.

I was surprised to see lots and lots of DNS requests for the same address (first, then  That wouldn't have surprised me, except that I saw valid responses coming back--there was no reason for the DNS storm.

Things seem to work, so whatever was broken eventually resolved itself.  But I'm curious about what was going on--were you timing the requests out too quickly?

If anyone wants it, I can send a packet capture.

Mike Loukides

Re: Lots and Lots of DNS Lookups?

You were undoubtedly running one of the cam widgets, most likely the ShamuCam.  This isn't actually a video stream but rather individual JPEG files.

In the current code it's not keeping that connection open, so it's not very efficient.  I don't think we're caching name lookups as well as we could either.