1 (edited by Marietto 2011-03-29 11:12:39)

Topic: Debian on the Chumby One.


I'm trying to install Debian Squeeze on the Chumby One,following this guide :

http://www.openminddev.net/projects/wik … n_a_Chumby

I know that's for the Classic version,but I would like to try it on the "One" version.  I'm stuck at this point :

wget http://files.chumby.com/source/ironforg … 2.6.16.tgz

I imagine that these are the kernel source code files for the Classic version,where are those for the "One" version ?

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

Look at http://files.chumby.com/source

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

Yeah,I was there,but I was doubtful if choose linux-2.6.28.mx233-falconwing-1.0.7.tgz or linux-

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

How can I boot the chumby one into special options mode ? I've tried to keep holding the screen for 5 seconds and then I've powered on the chumby,but it didn't work.

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

Marietto wrote:

How can I boot the chumby one into special options mode ? I've tried to keep holding the screen for 5 seconds and then I've powered on the chumby,but it didn't work.

Hold the screen and keep holding it when you turn on the Chumby One until it says it's loading special options menu.

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

"The screen" is the rectangular button on top of the chumby one ? I've kept hold it from a lot of time and then I've turned on the chumby one. The special options menu doesn't appears. I would like to know why,maybe for one of these reasons ?

a) I keep the chumby one powered on through the AC power. I haven't got the lithium battery.
b) from here : http://www.openminddev.net/projects/wik … _a_Chumby,

I read that maybe before to hold the screen, I should :

1.create an update2 directory on the root of a USB storage drive
2.copy k1.bin.zip to the update2 directory on the USB storage drive
3.insert the USB storage drive into chumby ?

my USB storage is an USB stick formatted with FAT32 filesystem.

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

the screen is pushing the LCD touchscreen and leaving your finger on it untill the special option menu appears..

Nothing to do with the top button wink

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

Oh yeah,that's nice ! smile

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

I have a more general question for this thread: Debian Squeeze has one ARM port, ARM EABI. It's not clear to me which Chumby devices have which ARM instruction levels, and if ARM EABI is appropriate for my Chumby CPUs.

Marietto, were you able to run Squeeze fully and use Debian-provided binaries?
Duane or other Chumby peeps, do you have a table of ARM CPU support for the various Chumbies?

Re: Debian on the Chumby One.

The wiki has information about the types of processors each device uses.

They're all pretty much ARMv5/EABI.  The 3.5" devices are ARM926EJ-S, and the 8" devices are ARM9 with MMX.

The Sony dash is the only exception (it's a MIPS), but it's not hackable.