Topic: i2c issues on one infocast, not another
Just writing that topic subject makes me feel silly. I have two 3.5" Infocasts. One by my bed, one in a kegbot project. I'd like to use a TMP102 to sense kegerator temperature in the bot which leads me to a problem.
I used Ladyada's helpful i2c example code to scan the i2c address space for data which works fine on Infocast#1.
I get data at 0x1D (accelerometer)
as well as some other results I haven't identified on 0x31,0x51,0x54,0x55,0x56,and 0x57
Unfortunately, the identical code on Infocast#2 returns zeros for every address and every register. The flash player constantly logs that it's "reconnecting to accelerometer" as well, so I think we can rule out a software problem. Is there a simple explanation for what could cause this condition?
*full disclosure*
I've had the same results with or without the TMP102 connected, but I connected it with stranded wire into a socket, so it's entirely possible a strand isn't well-connected, or slipped out and is shorting against something.