Topic: chumby one board dimensions


is there any documentation available that shows the dimensions (and location of the holes) for the board that make up a Chumby one?  I probably should be able to get this from the gerbers but I can't quite figure out how to use them (I'm not an electronics guy).

I've build an enclosure to build a Chumby guts kit into my wall.  If this works out well I will probably want to install a few more in other rooms. However I'd like to use the Chumby One in stead of the Chumby guts kit as it's easier to get, cheaper and faster :-).  How compatible are the board of the Chumby One vs the Chumby guts kit (size wise)?

Thanks in advance,


Re: chumby one board dimensions

It is probably best to measure the dimensions yourself smile

From memory the Chumby Guts is based off the Classic rather than the One.  The boards are different with different locations for connectors and probably a different size.

The Chumby One is relatively easy to make a case for, I did a quick and nasty on the weekend where the PCB simply slides into slots. 

Pics here :- … by-casing/

It was all just to hold the LCD away from the PCB and keep it nice and tidy as I remove and replace the SD card 23946293472 times smile  Though the sliding arrangement works very well I have to say.  Can give you the STL file if you need.

Re: chumby one board dimensions

The problem is I don't have a One to measure and I'm reluctant to buy one just to measure it :-).

There isn't that much space in the wall socket so I wanna make sure it will fit in the wall before I buy one and rip it appart. 120USD+shipping and customs is still a lot of money for me :-(

Anyway, I ended up buying a few more guts kits. They were a bit more expensive but at least I'm sure they fit.

Actually now that I had a look at your pictures I see the power and usb connectors are on the main board in stead of the small breakout board. This would definitely have been a problem.

Re: chumby one board dimensions

That's why I've converted to the Infocast smile $39 over Xmas, $49 on weekends, $99 on weekdays.... funky pricing.

There is no daughterboard on the C1/Infocast, what is wrong with it being on the mainboard?  It makes it easier to mount/arrange in the wall I would have thought.  I find the C1/Infocast combo a lot easier to fit in a wall than the Classic, where the daughterboard would have to be mounted etc...

Photos are worth a thousand words wink  There's another post right behind it with photos of C1 vs Infocast + a Classic.

Re: chumby one board dimensions

Depends on the wall I guess. In my case the hole (BTicino 506e: 106 x 117 x 52 mm) is slightly bigger than the motherboard but I can still mount the daughterboard behind it with the powercable and a small USB extension cable connected to a wired ethernet dongle.  My walls are made of bricks so making nice holes isn't easy :-)


Re: chumby one board dimensions

It depends on the peripherals you want to keep connected.  For me I won't be using the speaker or the bend sensor etc so the daughter board is a waste of space to me.

I would have mounted the motherboard on an angle in that find of confined space...or since you're taking apart the case then you should be comfortable with a bit of soldering for the power connection smile

Both C1 and Infocast has nice USB points for the wired ethernet dongle.

For infocast there's two connections, a 0.1" pitch connector and a 0.05" pitch connector you can see on this photo here... … ast-frame/ [First photo, the Wifi is on a daughter card can really doesn't need to exist now... hmmm]

Re: chumby one board dimensions

Unless you mess with the startup you'll need the bendsensor to exit the app to get to the ssh button. Have you solved this already?

Re: chumby one board dimensions

What SSH button?

The PI?

Why don't you use start_sshd?

aka "touch /psp/start_sshd"

That starts sshd on startup, it's picked up by rcS.background I think.

I usually tap in with a script of my own at userhook0 in /psp/rfs1 and run the start_sshd etc scripts myself.

Re: chumby one board dimensions

Excellent. Now I can axe my bend sensor too.