1 (edited by Fake_Name 2007-12-26 03:06:05)

Topic: Chumby PCB Design Files

Would it be possible to get a hold of the actual pcb design files for the chumby?
The .pdf schematics are nice, but I'd like to actually look at the original design files.

From looking at the schematics and gerber files that have been made available, It looks to me that you're using Altium Designer (or possibly OrCAD, though I don't have hands on experience with it). I have access to Altium through my job, and would really appreciate either the pcbprj project files, or even possibly the entire chumby workspace.

Re: Chumby PCB Design Files


Re: Chumby PCB Design Files

I second the question.

Re: Chumby PCB Design Files

I second the question.

5 (edited by ngart 2010-11-29 10:52:20)

Re: Chumby PCB Design Files

Old thread, but seeing as how bunnie is a signatory of the OSHW license (http://www.openhardwaresummit.org/license/) which states in section 1: "The hardware must be released with documentation including design files, and must allow modification and distribution of the design files." .... "Deliberately obfuscated design files are not allowed. Intermediate forms analogous to compiled computer code — such as printer-ready copper artwork from a CAD program — are not allowed as substitutes. "
Leads me to assume that you guys should not have a problem posting the altium files?