Topic: Need help with pin pong (Chong) game...

Hey chumby developer skills are lacking - i am a designer/animator and i have hit a wall with this:
(it is a Flash 8 fla)

When I upload the SWF as a widget and try to play it through my chumby alpha prototype, the game simply doesn't begin playing once I press "play" - it is as if the AS doesn't get triggered. The game works if you run the SWF locally. I have tried publishing to different player versions and checked code - I am at a total loss. My chumby has most recent updates also. The user paddle probably needs to be re-engineered - was hoping to have the user either drag it and/or take advantage of the accelometer feature. I may have bitten off more than I can chew here.


Re: Need help with pin pong (Chong) game...

I don't know Chris,  maybe take out the "_root" business?  I believe the shell will support that (via _lockroot).  Also, maybe it's just that first button with all those things: press, release, keyPress "<Enter>" .

I guess I'd do a small test, first trying to fix the initial button click.... then add one more thing.

You'll need to embed the fonts on your dynamic text too (like for the score thing).


Re: Need help with pin pong (Chong) game...

phillipk - thaks, i will give that a shot.