Topic: A microwiki for Chumby
I found myself with a need to create a small wiki for limited internal use - I decided to use a chumby, since you know, I have a couple lying around.
Since I already had node.js ported, I decided to use that to code it. So, in about 400 lines of Javascript, you have a pretty complete wiki. I also built a small Flash-based UI that will show the status of the wiki on the chumby's display - it will automatically dim the screen, but can be woken up with a tap on the touchscreen, or with the top button.
You can download the code (including source for the Flash) here. Just put in on a USB dongle, unpack it, then boot a chumby with it - it should work on CC, C1, C8, I8 and I3.5. Sorry, it will not work on the dash.
Since node.js uses a lot of memory, this wiki takes over the entire device - you can't run the Control Panel or widgets while this is running, so you'll need to configure the network before booting to the dongle.
You will see the IP of the device on the screen - you can then use a computer with a browser to access it. If you have a computer/Browser that supports zeroconf/Bonjour, like Safari on a Mac, then it will show up with the name found in "/psp/hostname".
The node.js file will work on pretty much anything, not just a chumby - you just need to change the file path to someplace you want to store the pages. The code is released under the MIT license.
The markup is based on BBCode - hit the "Help' link for assistance. Also, the CSS, header, footer, and any Javascript you want on the pages are all available for editing as special pages.
Note that the wiki does not have "accounts" - there are no credentials. It also does not handle collisions, and does not store a history.