Re: Chumby 8?

I've actually got some code working that does screen captures on a Falconwing, resizes them, and transfers them over Bluetooth to the watch.  There's a photo of that here.  Source code is in this thread.

What's particularly weird about this is that I *do* have a life, too.

Re: Chumby 8?

You have a working bluetooth stack?  Is that available for download or are compilation notes available?

Re: Chumby 8?

Well, the Falconwing device already has the Bluetooth drivers.

What you need to do is build an *old* version of BlueZ - from this page, use the 2.25 version.  The reason you want to use that is that it doesn't require D-Bus.

It's a simple compile in Scratchbox- you might have to add some missing standard headers.

Re: Chumby 8?

Hi, my name is Matt and I am a Chumbyaholic....

Duane, Too cool on that watch. I need one now! Thanks, now one more gadget I need that I don't "need".
BTW, my wife may be calling you with not so pleasant words...LOL