Topic: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

Hello, sorry for the lame flash question. I made a quick starter widget in Flash CS4 and when I load it up (on my Insignia Infocast 8", by stopping the CP and using chumbyflashplayer.x -i /mnt/usb/widget.swf) it loads for a second, then goes black. Pushing a button on my widget causes the button to redraw, then go black again. What stupid mistake am I making? I've tried publishing both Flash 7/AS2 and FL3.0/AS2.


Re: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

The best settings are usually Flash 8/ActionScript 2.

Would it be possible to post any of your code or the fla you used to create the widget? Without that it is difficult to guess at what your problem is.

Re: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

Here's my FLA file: chumbyUI3.fla.

There's really nothing to the code - just changes the button label when clicked. There's only one frame, but the stage only appears for one second before going black.

Re: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

When I publish that fla on Flash CS5 on a PC, I don't see the behavior you described at all, the widget works fine.

Could you upload the swf generated when you publish?  It could be a CS4-specific issue, I suppose, and that might help rule that out.  Alternatively, perhaps your USB key is having issues?  Have you tried uploading the swf to the chumby website as a private widget and run it on your device that way?

Re: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

Here's my published SWF. The widget works fine on the computer, but displays odd behavior on the Infocast. The USB key seems fine, I was able to use it to boot the Qt browser example on the Infocast. I believe I also tried uploading it as a private widget, but I will give that another try. Thanks for taking a look.

Re: Flash widget flashing / not redrawing properly

This probably isn't too helpful for you, but when I run your published swf on my Infocast, it runs without any flickering or other oddities, looks the same on my infocast as on the desktop.