Topic: Italian Translation - Traduzione in Italiano
Ciao a tutti,
ho tradotto chumby in lingua Italiano, se vi interessa installare questa lingua scaricate questo file
Istruzioni per l'installazione:
-se volete far leggere la traduzione da una penna usb:
scompattate il file .zip in una penna usb
inserite la penna usb in chumby e riavviate.
-se volete installare la traduzione in chumby:
scompattate il file .zip
cambiate il file "translation.xml" con un notepad, da <translate languageFile='/mnt/usb/italian_language_file.xml' /> in <translate languageFile='/psp/italian_language_file.xml' />
attivate il protocollo ssh (Settings -> Chumby Info -> fare click in alto a destra (simbolo del pi greco)) ed premere su SSHD
copiate con WinSCP i due file in chumby /psp/ (Username root senza password)
riavviate, ora chumby è in Italiano.
I've made a Italian translation for Chumby, this could be find under this Link
Instructions for the installation:
-If you want read the tranlation by the usb pendrive:
extract the file .zip in usb pendrive
insert the pendrive in chumby and reboot it.
-If you want install the translation in chumby:
extract the file .zip
change the file "translation.xml" with notepad, from <translate languageFile='/mnt/usb/italian_language_file.xml' /> to <translate languageFile='/psp/italian_language_file.xml' />
Activate the ssh protocol (Settings -> Chumby Info -> click in the upper right corner (pi symbol)) and click on SSHD.
Copy the two files with WinSCP to the chumby (Username root without a password and in the directory /psp/
reboot and enjoy the Italian translation.