Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

There will be a new Control Panel, so you'd follow the exact same instructions as in the other thread.  I have found a feed that works internationally, so that's good.

So should we watch this thread for the announcement to try again, or the "Fix for Weather NULL, NULL" thread?

I'm ready to beta-test right away!

Re: Weather app …..

Yes, really hoping for some development on this topic.
And it's good to hear the German Dash/Chumby users won't be left out.

Re: Weather app …..

OK, here's a test version (4.10.3b1) of the new dash Control Panel with the fix for this issue, if you're brave enough to try: … 10.3b1.swf

Size is 896243 bytes, md5 is 9f12d8842a1798fddec257619fc4fe3c.

Follow the instructions for the other thread to install this on your dash, just use this file instead of the one linked in that thread.

Things to try:

1) Confirm whether it works with your existing city list and that the conditions, forecast and icons are plausible.
2) If not, delete the failing city and search for it again in MENU->Clock & Weather->Weather.
3) If that fails, let me know.
4) Add additional cities
5) If you have some non-default themes that purport to show weather, check to see if the weather works in them, if not send me a photo on our support email address.

Once enough people confirm this is working, I will make a new "production" version and post it on the main thread.

I may release other test versions if bugs crop up, so watch this thread.

Re: Weather app …..

I copied it via SinSCP, renamed it correctly, then rebooted.

When it came up, it started displaying correct current conditions and forecast.  No city update needed.

Great job!

Re: Weather app …..

I used the USB method and all good ! Weather is now displaying again.

Thanks very much Duane for doing this and continuing to keep the Sony Dash alive !

Re: Weather app …..

I used scp, and it is working just as before!  No extra steps required.  THANK YOU!

Re: Weather app …..

I updated via WinSCP as well.  The weather has returned, but I'm getting a weird series of numbers above every day on the 5 day forecast.  I changed the city to a different local city, but the numbers above the day are still there.

Re: Weather app …..

keithcarter74 wrote:

I updated via WinSCP as well.  The weather has returned, but I'm getting a weird series of numbers above every day on the 5 day forecast.  I changed the city to a different local city, but the numbers above the day are still there.

Hmm, that's interesting - can you take a photo and send it to me so I can see if I can figure out what's going on - email to support (at)  Also let me know which city you're seeing this with.  Thanks!

Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

email to support (at)  Also let me know which city you're seeing this with.  Thanks!

Email sent.  Thank you!

Re: Weather app …..

keithcarter74 wrote:

The weather has returned, but I'm getting a weird series of numbers above every day on the 5 day forecast.  I changed the city to a different local city, but the numbers above the day are still there.

Yes, I've got the same problem.

The weather has returned, but with some issues:
- There are numbers above each day in the five day forecast.
- There are weather icons for four of the five days (ie, it is now Monday evening and I am seeing a temperature forecast with an icon for Monday - Thursday but Friday has the temperature forecast only) [now fixed - see below].
- The current conditions display that used to appear underneath the five day forecast has gone [now fixed - see below].

I also have some doubts about the weather data that I am seeing.
Monday - Thursday is showing the same icon - the sun behind a raincloud (showers). A range of weather forecasts (; Accuweather and the Bureau of Meteorology) show Tuesday as sunny with a very low chance of rain, Wednesday as a possible thunderstorm and Thursday as showers.
The weather today has been fine and dry and so I wouldn't have expected today's icon to be showers. Showers doesn't seem to match any forecast for Tuesday, either.

The temperatures predicted for each day seem to be about right.

I tried changing the location with somewhat unexpected results.
My location was originally set as Sydney. I added a new location, a suburb of Sydney, and deleted Sydney. This did not alter any of the above issues.
Then I added Sydney again and deleted the other location, again with no effect. Then I added a US location, Hingham MA, so that now I have two locations.

This fixed a number of the problems. Friday's icon appeared, as did the current conditions display. Friday's icon is different from Monday - Thursday's for the Sydney weather, and Hingham's weather is displaying four different icons for the five days.

The numbers are still there for both Sydney and Hingham. They are the same numbers on both cities' forecasts.

I will send an email with pictures.

Re: Weather app …..

The numbers are timestamps - the new service returns seconds from 1/1/1970, however the old service returned a text date, like 8/28/2023.  I can change this on the server, so no CP modifications needed there.  I see a couple of other fields that appear to have changed names, again I should be able to address them on the server.

As to the weather conditions - I can only show what the new service gives me - however, it's possible that the icons are out of sync.  If you have a case with a weird icon, please let me know what the textual description is (if your theme displays it - the LCARS theme does) and the icon you got.

Re: Weather app …..

it is now working for me!

Re: Weather app …..

I've updated the server, please reboot your test devices, see if this works better, especially those using the themes that show the "weird numbers".

Re: Weather app …..

The numbers resolved into dates without a reboot and so everything is looking good.

I rebooted anyway and had a look at the weather descriptions in the LCARS theme.
I think the descriptions shown there do match the icons shown in the five day weather - "patchy rain possible" probably equals the icons I am seeing that show a sun behind a raincloud.
The icons that are being displayed for Sydney now are not unbelievable or obviously wrong - something like "patchy rain possible" would presumably depend on the underlying definition used by the weather service. Indeed, it is possible that the Dash service's forecast was in advance of the others that I checked yesterday, as since then the other forecasts have now pivoted somewhat towards what the Dash was saying all along.
I suppose that discrepancies between forecasts will naturally be exaggerated when the whole range of a day's weather is reduced to a single icon. One service could say that any chance of rain at all = patchy rain possible, whilst another might set a higher cutoff and require, say, a 2% or 5% or 10% chance before it is reflected in a rainy icon. There would also have to be a hierarchy of icons that could vary between services - for example, if the forecast is for mostly sunny conditions with patchy rain possible, then each service could have a different way of determining which of the two possible icons is displayed.

Re: Weather app …..

The icons are built into the themes and for historical reasons are based on the NOAA icons used in the first weaher API that was used in teh dash before Sony went with Accuweather.  When the feed was Accuweather, the Control Panel would map Accuweather's condition codes to the NOAA codes which would then be used by the themes to show the icon.  There may be themes that Sony may have made that use the Accuweather codes directly, but I don't know of one.

In order to keep all of the themes working without modifications (since I can't legally modify the Sony themes that some people are using), the new weather functionality I created takes the data from the new feed I'm using and the server converts it into the Accuweather data format, with the corresponding condition codes.

So it's a bit convoluted now - in summary, the server converts the new feed codes into Accuweather codes, the Control Panel converts the Accuweather codes into NOAA codes, and the themes show the condition icon based on that code.

What I will be most interested in now is whether all of the codes are correctly mapped - ie, there are no cases where no icon is displayed.

Re: Weather app …..

The other thing to check is the dates - there are many timezones in play - the timezone of the city whose weather is being displayed, the timezone of the server (which is UTC) and the timezone of the dash.  Please check for various cities if the date correctly corresponds to the day of the week.  For those themes that display the "Last updated" timestamp, it should also be in the timezone of the city.

Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

Please check for various cities if the date correctly corresponds to the day of the week.

The Dash was correctly displaying days and dates for both Hingham and Sydney this morning.
In Sydney, it was Tuesday morning and the five day weather for Sydney and other locations in the same time zone showed Tuesday - Saturday.
In Hingham, it was still Monday and so its five day weather was still showing Monday - Friday.
In both cases, the dates for each day of the week were correct.

Re: Weather app …..

All seems to be working fine for me after the update. 

On initial boot the Scheduled Events window for the Theme I am using was rendering too large, not allowing me to get to the Enter key.  That may have been there before.  That corrected after a reboot.

Did not see any issues with the icons mapping.

Was able to add and delete multiple cities in the US by name and Zip.

Thanks Duane for the quick turn around on this.  Wife is very pleased to have the Dash back next to her. Maybe more so than me?

Happy Spouse - Happy House....

Re: Weather app …..

Awesome- thanks all for your help!

I will be generating a production version of the CP and editing the other thread.  Once that's done, please install it over the test version so everyone's in sync.

Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

For those themes that display the "Last updated" timestamp, it should also be in the timezone of the city.

Mine is still showing as "Null" for the last updated value.  I'm going to try a reboot of the Dash since it wasn't needed to update the numbers string above the day to the correct day format.

71 (edited by steelpaw 2023-08-29 23:13:10)

Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

What I will be most interested in now is whether all of the codes are correctly mapped - ie, there are no cases where no icon is displayed.

I have encountered an instance of no icon displayed, and then an apparent icon transfer from another city's weather.

Details and steps to replicate are:
-On the LCARS theme, Sydney forecast for Wednesday has no icon and the description "Moderate rain".
-Reboot into the five day weather theme (from USB) and Sydney has no icon for Wednesday.
-Select the right arrow and move to Hingham weather, where Wednesday is showing the "Foggy" icon.
-Select the left arrow and move back to Sydney weather. Now, Wednesday in Sydney is showing the "Foggy" icon, too.
-Select the left arrow and move to another location (a Sydney suburb that has very similar but not identical weather forecasts to Sydney - icons the same but temperatures slightly different). It shows the "Patchy Rain" icon for Wednesday.
-Select the right arrow and move back to Sydney weather. Now, Wednesday in Sydney is showing the "Patchy Rain" icon, too.
-Wednesday in Sydney can be cycled back and forth from "Foggy" to "Patchy Rain" by moving through the other locations as described above.
-The only way to return to the blank icon is by rebooting. [Edit: it turns out this is not true. The blank icon reappeared of its own accord.]

This behaviour may explain why adding Hingham as a second location apparently fixed the issue I was seeing on my first day of testing when Friday in Sydney had no icon.

There is another discrepancy - in the LCARS theme, current conditions in Sydney are described as "Moderate or Heavy [text cut off, presumably "rain" is missing] with an icon showing a cloud and rain.
In the five day theme viewed less than a minute later, current conditions show the "Thunderstorm" icon.
Either could be correct as there's been rain and a bit of a thunderstorm that has moved around quite a lot.

I can send photos, if they would help.

Re: Weather app …..

keithcarter74 wrote:
Duane wrote:

For those themes that display the "Last updated" timestamp, it should also be in the timezone of the city.

Mine is still showing as "Null" for the last updated value.  I'm going to try a reboot of the Dash since it wasn't needed to update the numbers string above the day to the correct day format.

Mine is showing "null" for "Last updated" on the five day weather theme, and I've rebooted several times.

Re: Weather app …..

Do any of you recall whether the "Last Updated" showed "NULL" with the previous Accuweather feed?

I will check the icon issue - it's possible that I'm getting incomplete forecasts for some cities - I ask for 5 days worth, but it's possible I'm not reliably getting all the days.

Re: Weather app …..

Duane wrote:

Do any of you recall whether the "Last Updated" showed "NULL" with the previous Accuweather feed?

I don't recall much nowawdays so I can't be sure, but I don't remember it being NULL before.  I also rebooted and it didn't fix itself.  Not a huge issue IMO since it is showing updated weather, I just wanted to mention it.

Re: Weather app …..

I think I found this issue, please reboot again.